
From NexusWiki


Getting Started

Go to the Carpenter hut in Wilderness at 0137,018. There you can buy an Axe. Alternatively, you can use a Hunang's axe

Contrary to belief, you can not use a Big Axe to do Woodcutting.

New style woodcutting was designed to prevent Auto-Cutting. Trees now have vita that needs to be eliminated to get your Ginko!

Make your way to a grove:

Cutting Location Map Coordinates
Northern Grove Wilderness 046,020
Orchard Grove Wilderness 091,027
Golden Grove Wilderness 111,178
Golden Grove Wilderness 097,210
Pine Grove Wilderness 159,116
Isolated Grove Nagnang 052,048
Grove of Shadows Nagnang 003,107
Kija's Grove Nagnang 064,144

Or go anywhere in the Nagnang Woodlands.

Equip your axe and swing it at the tree; As you swing You can see a Health bar showing how far you're from cutting the tree down. A word from Kru"The older the tree is, the more Ginko wood you will gather." Depending on your skill level,you can take down a tree in 2 minutes up to 10. Trees spawn randomly about in the groves. The results is Ginko wood.


Skill Successes to next level
Zero to Novice 13
Novice to Apprentice 82
Apprentice to Accomplished 945
Accomplished to Adept 1549
Adept to Talented 3703
Talented to Skilled 9685
Skilled to Expert 14220
Expert to Master 17060
Master to Grandmaster 54393
Grandmaster to Champion 114065
Champion to Legendary 239149

Total to Master: 47257
Total to Legendary: 454865

